Content Users are the individuals for which all prompting content and devices are created. They may be individuals with or without disabilities using prompting instructions at home for independent living tasks, family home care providers providing health care support to a family member, or new employees learning the tasks necessary for a new job in their native language. Anyone who uses instructional content either personally or to support another person to follow instructions, learn a new task, or remember how to perform a task is a Content User. The main item of interest to AIMS Content Users is the AIMS Task Library, where existing tasks can be downloaded and used in any AIMS Ready player application.
The AIMS Library of instructional media is a free source for instructional media created in accordance with AIMS standards so that developers and users alike can download, and view and use content that others have created. Not only is the repository good for getting ideas of how to use prompting systems, but it can also be used to find relevant tasks which can be downloaded and used immediatley without having to create your own content. All uploaded tasks are checked by AbleLink staff for compatibility to the AIMS guidelines and appropriateness before they are made available online. Click here to go to the AIMS Library.

Task Library -Find AIMS Ready instructional content which can be downloaded and used in any AIMS Ready player.

Royalty Free License Agreement -License for use of AIMS related information and AIMS content.

Technologies -Find AIMS Ready Players for multiple platforms.

Background -Learn about the history leading to the AIMS Standard.